Senin, 14 Desember 2009


Seorang turis wanita setengah baya berlibur di pulau Bali. Dia sangat tahu Bali bagian dari Indonesia yang terkenal karena ethnosocio cultural termasuk ethnomedicine yang eksotik. Dia mendapat banyak pengalaman, di Bali banyak bunga bertebaran. Ketika suatu sore dia memandang laut lepas di pantai Kuta, dia duduk bersebelahan dengan seorang Indonesia yang kebetulan apoteker. Dia berkata, di Bali nan eksotik ini, dia butuh ketenangan bagi jiwanya yang tertekan kesibukan dinegaranya, dia mendambakan "increasing her passion of love". Dia percaya di Bali dia akan mendapatkannya, dia bertanya kepada anda :"You are an Indonesian pharmacist, so I am believe you can help me, what I must do. Help me please mate, how can I reach my dreams". Bagaimana?

10 komentar:

  1. An Indonesian pharmasist says, "Okey,,you are a bussiness women in your country, you are very busy and need a tender soul,,
    As freind, I think you need a beauty place that it's a simply a look and silent voice mirth, so make you admire this beauty and would like to spend each day for visiting there again,,
    And I think that Bali is a beauty place that can make your dream come true for increasing your passion of love,,
    And the most important thing, you must pray and say thanks to God that you have a chance to see it,,
    It's my suggestion and I wish I can help your problem,,
    Good luck,,

  2. I think to reach your dream you must have an obsession, because when there's an obsession there's a way...
    And with passion of love, you can make your life balance between body and soul and to increasing your passion of love you can go vacation like visiting Bali to give "food" for your soul, because not only body which is needing food but also your soul, so if your body and soul balance, you can easy to reach your dream...

  3. try to get more fresh air,enjoy your vacation,open you mind and let happiness fill your heart.
    you can also try to do some meditation with a guide from indonesian best tutor..

  4. Be aware that wherever you go there in your heart problems therefore you have to forget your problems first. Enjoy it here so you will reach your dream. Because love will come from anyone and anywhere.

  5. i will tell her..."in bali you can go to many beautiful place,so don't think about your problem in here,enjoy your vacation, do interesting activity, it is good if you get meditation. Open your mind and dont forget to pray to god...i believe if you do that, you can relax, happy, and increasing your passion of love...just believe".

  6. Mengapa para apoteker itu tidak menyarankan turis cewek itu pergi ke spa,lakukan relaksasi dengan aromaterapi. Kan pemasukan buat devisa negara, setidaknya buat orang Indonesia yang berusaha di bidang itu sambil tentu promosi aromaterapi asli Indonesia secara tidak langsung

  7. hmmmm...
    menemani turis tersebut ke spa..
    memberinya produk aromaterapi sebagai oleh2 untuk d bawa pulang, agar di sana dia bisa mempromosikan produk tersebut kepada teman2ny :)

  8. to increase passion of love, we have to find the purpose of our life. In Bali, she can do something different to help her find out the purpose of life in order to increase passion of love. agree with you sir, spa and aromatherapy are two things that she can do. the other, she can enjoy the culture and beauty of Bali and remember The Almighty

  9. jujur saya akan sangat kebingungan dengan situasi dan kondisi yang 'belum biasa'saya temui ini...bahkan mungkin beberapa detik setelah turis tersebut bertanya, tubuh saya akan mengejang mengeluarkan adrenalin untuk mencari solusi...dan setelah melewati proses berpikir rumit yang saya lakukan,mungkin saya dengan polos akan berkata: "Maybe you can take the spa and aromatheraphy" (inipun saya masih bingung, apakah karena Bapak telah memberikan masukan dan teman2 mengiyakan, atau memang jawaban spontan yang akan terlontar)...

    tapi saya telah memilih karena saya telah diajarkan mengenai bagaimana seorang Apoteker sebaiknya bersikap..

  10. diluar negeri sana sudah menjamur spa2 yg menggunakan konsep Bali bahkan bahan2 aromaterapix lagsung dikirim dari Bali...
    tp tidak ada salahnya juga mengajak si bule melihat beberapa bentuk spa lain ataupun pijat refleksi yg juga banyak ditawarkan dibali..
    jd ingat buku "EAT PRAY LOVE" apa memang diBali identik tempat yg cocok bwt menenangkan diri??? belum pernah keBAli soalnya ;p
